I'm just an average
Third Culture Kid
who is distantly related to the Pied Piper1.
I speak in tongues2,
read more than 200 pages a week,
and astound even the best English teachers with
my writings.3
Look at my personal newsletter: "Curent Events". At the age of 12, I invented the world's first and only all-in-one poncho, palette, and bedspread, but my mother threw it away before it could be marketed.
Once I rode a motorcycle for six hours without touching the handlebars4,
and because I love adventure, I leapt off a 747 and escaped without injury5.
Believe it or not, I actually have a valid driver's license, and have swum in the Atlantic, Pacific, and the South China Sea .
Despite the fact that my attempts to juggle represent the chaos theory, I have worked side by side with famous authors6,
discovered new and exciting bugs7,
and sold high-grade, state-of-the-art chips8.
Unfortunately, it wouldn't all fit in
my resume.