Critical Intro to O.T. Sept 7, 1999
Leviticus is the third part of the Pentateuch. There is an unsubstantiated roomer in Christian circles that the book of Leviticus is irrelevant to the Church today. Although Leviticus is basically a book of law, it is all said and done inside a narrative about Moses, God and the Israelites. The book is still law, regardless of this narrative cover, and therefore tends to be a bit boring to the sleep student. The four main sections in Leviticus are; the sacrificial laws, the priestly narrative, and the holiness code. Each of these parts have clear instructions and rituals for the people to practice in their lives. These rules were a covenant. The sacrifice was a gift, from the individual to God. Some sacrifices were to be a way to have fellowship and communion with others. The sacrifices also made the covenant solid by something called expiation. Each offering, whether grain, cattle, sheep, bird, all had different meaning and different purposes. Some were gifts of worship; some were peace offerings or guilt offerings. (There were many more types not listed.)
purpose, and that purpose is to show the Israelites (and whoever else reading the book), that God is Holy, and humans are unholy. The laws were to help the Israelites from idolatry and to make them a showcase to the other nations.
In the New Testament, Christians can see how the Book of Leviticus relates to Jesus and his work on the cross. The book of Hebrews describes the similarities.
The Book of Leviticus is a book about Holiness and God. Even thought it is difficult to understand in our day, It does not heart to read the book of Leviticus.
Renaud, 2
The book’s many laws and teachings are all for one